Skating Pond and Large Tubing Hill Updates
Warm (er) temperatures are in the forecast this weekend...finally! The ski and snowshoe trails are looking awesome and we have a few other exciting announcements to make ahead of the weekend:
The Chip Wulff Memorial Ice Skating Pond is OPEN! Ice skates are located in the Chalet basement and are free to borrow (donations are always appreciated!). Please enter using the white basement door across from the pond and grab your size. Walk over to the pond before putting your skates on. Thanks!
The Large Tubing Hill will be OPEN on Saturday, January 20th from 10am-2pm. All participants must be at least 42" tall to use the hill. The hill is walk up only and tubes are included in the price of the ticket ($10). Please stop in at the chalet to pay and to sign a waiver.
The Chalet Cafe will be open this weekend! Stop in for some good eats!