/ Posts / Join Us For Sunday Random Draw Doubles Disc Golf League

Join Us For Sunday Random Draw Doubles Disc Golf League

Squirrel Hill Disc Golf Random Draw Doubles League

Sundays June 16th-October (End Date TBD)

Registration  12:15-12:45pm /Tee Off 1:00pm

We are excited to have officially begun our weekly disc golf random draw doubles leagues at the Squirrel Hill Disc Golf Course! This is a great opportunity to meet new people, get tips and learn from experienced players, challenge yourself, and introduces players to the disc golf community of Northern Wisconsin!

  • All levels of experience welcome! Leashed dogs are allowed on the course.
  • Meet at the Minocqua Winter Park main parking lot and Chalet for sign ups.
  • Check the Squirrel Hill Disc Golf Course Group Facebook Page for schedule updates. 

Questions: Contact barb.blow@minocquawinterpark.org

Visit the Squirrel Hill Disc Golf Page for more information on the course: https://www.minocquawinterpark.org/activities/squirrel-hill-disc-golf-course/